The clove hitch knot is a simple hitch that can be used to tie a rope onto a post.
While it is easy to tie and untie it is not the most secure knot. It can easily come undone if your kayak or the post moves.
For kayaking, we recommend using this knot if you are only tying your kayak temporarily.
Step 1: Loop the end of the rope around the post.
The clove hitch knot is a simple hitch that can be used to tie a rope onto a post. While it is easy to tie and untie it is not the most secure knot.
It can easily come undone if your kayak or the post moves. For kayaking, we recommend using this knot if you are only tying your kayak temporarily.
Step 2: Loop around the post once more and bring the end of the rope underneath the exposed line.
Step 3: Pull the line tight.