Cleaning your kayak is a simple but necessary part of owning a kayak. If you are new to kayak ownership, you need to know the basics of how to clean a kayak properly and completely.
How To Size A Kayak Cockpit Cover?
Covering the cockpit of your kayak is really important when storing and transporting it. With so many different styles of kayaks out there, however, the question is: how to size a kayak cockpit cover?
21 Kayak Painting Ideas & Designs
Whether you need to refurbish the exterior of your kayak or you just want your personal paddle craft to stand out, there are plenty of kayaking painting ideas and designs to choose from these days.
If you are searching for a fun DIY project to keep you busy while you wait for the paddle season to be fully underway, painting your kayak is a great option. You can do it alone or with a partner, and it doesn’t require all that much time or financial investment.
The Lie Back Technique
If you’re having trouble learning rolls, try the lie back technique. The lie back is an important part of eskimo rolling technique. This will make it much easier for you to do the rolls you need to do, as well as help you to kayak better in general. The reason for this is that the … Read more
Best Kayak Carrying Toggles
Kayak carrying toggles make it far easier for you to carry your kayak when needed. If you’ve ever struggled to carry a large kayak around then you probably know the potential benefits of carrying toggles. If you are planning on taking your kayak on long trips or over long distances carrying toggles can be very useful. … Read more
Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler
Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory like an MMA fighter. What’s funnier is that the goose has a good laugh after he won the fight:)