How To Lock Up A Kayak?

Knowing how to lock up a kayak is important whether you own a personal kayak or you’re running a commercial business with multiple kayaks you need to keep secure. But the best way to lock up a kayak can depend on many factors. If you don’t have a dedicated outdoor kayak rack where you store … Read more

Rotomolded Kayak vs Thermoformed – Which Is Better?

Rotomolded Kayak vs Thermoformed - Which Is Better?

How a kayak is made and the materials used in making it determines its performance, durability, appearance, weight, price, and even what kind of experience you’ll get from paddling it.

Rotomolded kayaks and thermoformed kayaks are two popular kayak construction options in the market. But to a kayaking beginner or non-manufacturing expert, they’re just big-sounding words that don’t really tell you anything.

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What Is Kayak Oil Canning And How To Fix It?

What Is Kayak Oil Canning?

Oil canning is a common problem that affects plastic kayaks. It refers to indentations in the material of the kayak, causing the hull to curve inward and warp.

It’s important to know how to deal with oil canning and fix it so it doesn’t reduce the performance of your kayak. Furthermore, with the right care and maintenance, you can prevent oil canning from happening in the first place or at least make it less likely to happen.

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