Activities Involving Kayaks

Activities Involving Kayaks [toc] Touring Touring, or expedition kayaking, involves taking extended journeys in a kayak, often around coastlines or down the length of a river. Kayak touring is a fantastic way to experience beautiful scenery that is usually hidden from view. Fishing With the use of a specialised fishing kayak, combining fishing with kayaking … Read more

Design Principles of Kayaks

[toc] Design Principles of Kayaks Displacemet The displacement of a kayak can refer to one of two things: its overall water displacement or, in the case of whitewater kayaks, the shape of its hull. The Design Water Line (DWL) determines the total amount of weight the kayak was designed to carry. The combined weight of … Read more

4 Reasons Why You Should Care About Kayak Bulkheads

When you’re out on the water, enjoying the serenity of nature or tackling challenging rapids, the last thing on your mind might be the internal structure of your kayak. However, one component plays a silent yet vital role in your safety and comfort: kayak bulkheads. These often-overlooked features are more than just dividers; they’re integral … Read more

Best Kayak Paddle-Floats

The kayak paddle float is a small and innocuous piece of gear that can make a real difference to your day in a range of different situations. In its most basic form, the kayak paddle float is an inflatable, foam flotation device that attaches to the end of a paddle. It can also allow you … Read more

Kayaking In The Smoky Mountains

The Smoky Mountains sprawl out between the border of Tennessee and North Carolina. The vast expanse is home to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and some of the most beautiful lakes and rivers in the south. Perhaps known best for its breathtaking views and extensive hiking trails, it is actually home to some of … Read more